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Crystal Aura & Energy Cleanse

Give your energy a boost with the power of crystal healing

1 h
40 British pounds

About this Service

This treatment uses the power of crystal energy to boost your healing process. This is healing on all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Crystals each hold an energetic charge, and emit energy vibrations aligned with their varying composition of minerals. These energetic frequencies work on the subtle energy of the human body to tweak and adjust your own biorhythmic vibrations, bringing your energy back into its most effective alignment. When combined with energy healing, this can be a powerful treatment. During your treatment, the therapist will surround you with a grid of quartz crystals, to both cleanse and re-energise your subtle body. A crystal wand will be taken through your auric field to identify and release any energy blockages. Various crystals may be placed on or around your body to work on specific issues. The therapist will then give an energy healing from your upper body area, working with the crystals to remove any energy blockages, leaving your energy feeling revitalised and cleansed. If required, the therapist may share some insights and energy readings experienced during the treatment, to inform how you may wish to maintain your energy levels following the session. Benefits of a Crystal Healing include: - Deep relaxation - Clearing of energetic blockages - Sense of feeling renewed - Insights into emotional and spiritual issues - Relief from physical conditions This treatment is perfect for clients who are feeling stuck personally or professionally, who are feeling drained, experiencing fatigue or feel a general sense of weariness in their body. This treatment is given with the client lying down, fully clothed. Your appointment also includes an initial consultation and a debrief.

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