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Writer's pictureIndigo Holistics

Welcome to the Indigo Tribe's 'New Age Navigator' blog!

Greetings Starseeds! ✨

Welcome to the New Age Navigator blog from Indigo Holistics - a place to rediscover ancient wisdom, connect with our divine nature, and find alignment to our wonderfully wild and beautiful spirits within. It's so good to see you here! 🤗

We live in a time of intense dehumanisation - never before have we been so globally connected, yet feel so distant and detached from each other and from ourselves. Don't you think?

But do not fear... I believe in a friendly universe, and that each and every one of us has the divine power within ourselves to find the way back to our wildness, reconnect with our fellow beings, and walk each other home.

Just like our ancestors used the sun, moon, stars and planets to navigate their way through their lives, so too do we need some navigation at times. There is so much to be learned from ancient wisdom... and so here in these pages you will find a map to guide us back to ourselves. 🧭

In this New Age Navigator blog, we will explore the various ways we can reconnect with the earth and the elements, quiet the noise around us, delve deep into our divine nature, reconnect with the our spark within, and return ourselves and each other back to our true selves - as the intrinsically beautiful, and perfectly imperfect humans we came here to be!

We will be exploring topics such as:

  • the power of nature and seasonality

  • the magic of the moon and lunar cycles

  • energy medicine

  • finding our true voice

  • the healing power of nature (e.g. essential oils, crystals, herbs)

  • ancient practices such as yoga, shamanism, ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine

  • the healing power of sound, colour and visualisation

  • the beauty of meditation

  • ...and much more!

Here at Indigo Holistics. I am an holistic counsellor and therapist based in the northwest of England, and have been personally engaged in various holistic practices for over 20 years. It has been a wonderful journey of self-discovery, and I am so excited to share my experiences with you; my hope is that these pages will inspire you to embark on your own journey of holistic practice and discover your own divinity within.

Please use the search facility to explore specific topics, or browse the archive to see what is available to discover. If you have any requests for topics you would like to see on the New Age Navigator blog, please contact me via the Contact Us page..

Welcome, fellow traveller - I'm so grateful to have you along for the journey!

Namaste... 🌺

Much Love,

Christina Maree x

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